- All Hotels: List all hotels which are displayed on your homepage and search result page
- Add New: Add a new hotel
- Hotel Theme: Customize your own favorite style of hotel that creates a unique experience when customer visiting your hotel
- Hotel Facilities: Set up the facility of hotel
- Hotel Booking: Display the list of customer who make online reservations in real time to help you mange the booking process.
Add New Hotel
1. Location
- Select one or more locations for your hotel in Hotel Location
Enter the email address of the hotel in Hotel Address field
Set Location on map to track down on Google Map
Add more Properties nearby the hotel
2. Hotel Detail
- Upload the Hotel Logo to appear on your website
- Select the layout of hotel to show in Hotel Single Layout.
Upload more images to show on Hotel Gallery
Add the Youtube video of this hotel on Hotel Video
Set rating of the hotel on Hotel Rating Star
3. Contact Information
Choose the Contact Info to set a contact in hotel detail or agent detail
Enter Hotel Email to receive notifications when getting booking orders from a customer
Enter Hotel Website to this field
Enter Hotel Phone Number
Enter Hotel Fax
4. Price
Set Auto Calculation Average Price of this hotel
Enter the Average Price of this hotel
5. Check-in/out time
Set the Allowed full day booking of this hotel
Enter the Time for check-in at the hotel
Enter the Time for check-out at hotel
6. Other Options
For Book before the number of a day, choose the number of days that customers book your hotel before check-in time.
Set Minimum number of days to book before arriving
7. Hotel Policy
8. Inventory
9. Hotel Theme
10. Hotel Facilities
11. Featured Image
12. Add a new title and description to the classic editor.
13. When complete, click Publish
Hotel Theme
- Add the Name of hotel theme to appear on your website
- Add the Slug of hotel theme as URL link
- Give more detail about the hotel theme in Description (optional)
- Insert the Icon or Icon New of hotel theme (optional)
- When complete, click New Hotel Theme to save it
Hotel Facilities
- Add the Name of hotel facilities to appear on your website
- Add the Slug of hotel facilities as URL link
- Give more detail about the hotel facilities in Description (optional)
- Insert the Icon or Icon New of hotel facilities (optional)
- When complete, click New Hotel Facilities to save it
Hotel Bookings
- The booking order of the hotel will be confirmed on your booking system.
All Rooms: List all hotels which are displayed on your homepage and search result page
Add New: Add a new room
Room type: Design your room type that fit the demand of customers when visiting your hotel
Room Facilities: Set up the facility of a room
Add New Room
1. Location
For Location sections, the location of a room would follow the hotel’s location by default. Thus, there is no need to select the location of a room on the list.
Enter the full address of the room in Room Address
2. General
Select a hotel for this room on Hotel Room
Enter the available room for booking on the Number of rooms
Choose the Booking Option to Instant Booking by default
Upload the image of the hotel on Gallery
Set a room layout displayed on Hotel Room Layout
Choose the Disable “Adult Name Required “
Choose the Disable “Children Name Required “
3. Room Price
Set the Price with per person to one of the following:
Enter the price of an adult on the Adult Pricing
Enter the price of children on the Chil Pricing
Enter the price of the room per night on Pricing
Set the Allowed full day booking of this hotel
Add a discount period of the room on Discount By No. Days
Choose the type of discount to the percentage or fixed cost of each room by a number of days on Discount Type
Create the additional service cost of a room on Extra Price
Select the Extra Price Unit by a day or fixed amount of money
Choose the type of discount to the percentage or fixed cost of each room by the total price for sale on the Discount Type
Enter the percentage of the Discount Rate
Select the option of deposits on Deposit Options
4. Room Facility
Upload the preview of hotel facilities on Room Facility Preview
Set the Number of Adults per bedroom
Set the Number of Children per bedroom
Set the Number of Bed per room
Enter the Room Footage per square For
Room External booking, select the option to allow or not the external link for booking a room
Add new room facilities on Add new facility
Writing a room description on Room Description
Select the date of the calendar to change the room price on the Calendar
When complete, click Update to finish
7. Cancel Booking
Activate the option for customers to choose from cancellation orders.
Enter the Number of days before the Arrival for the cancel reservation of a room
Set the Cancellation Fee, the percentage of money that the customer would be deducted if they cancel a reservation of a room
8. Ical URL
9. Payment Methods
10. Room type
11. Room Facilities
12. Featured Image
13. Add a new title and description to the classic editor.
14. When complete, click Publish
Room Type
- Add the Name of a room type to appear on your website
- Add the Slug of room type as a URL link
- Give more detail about the hotel theme in the Description
- Select the Parent Room Type to create the room type in a hierarchy system (optional)
- When complete, click the New Roome Type to save it
Room Facilities
- Add the Name of room facilities to appear on your website
- Add the Slug of room facilities as a URL link
- Give more detail about the hotel theme in the Description
- Select the Parent Room Facilities to create the room type in a hierarchy system (optional)
- Insert Icon or Icon New for each of the room facilities
- When complete, click New Roome Type to save it